Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Preparing For Prison?

My husband is fascinated with Federal Prison. He loves watching shows on television that show the workings of a prison, and the life of an inmate. I found this book that was written by a former inmate, and it discusses his life in prison. He states that after he was sentenced, he felt so alone and didn't know what to expect those first few weeks behind bars. This book was written to help alleviate some of those fears in people who are headed to prison.

I keep trying to put into words how I feel about preparing criminals, and it's just not coming out right. I think it boils down to the type of crime you are sentenced for. If you killed someone, or hurt a child, I do not think it should made easier for you. I think you should worry, and be afraid. It serves you right. The people you hurt didn't have the chance to read up on what you did to them before hand, did they? So why should you be allowed to be prepared?

That said, go enjoy this book. I think I might get a copy for Junior. It does sound interesting.

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