Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My Little Smarty Pants

Yesterday Junior and I had a conference with Brandi's teacher. We sat and listened to how wonderful our daughter is. The the teacher turns serious and asks if Brandi told us about the incident that happened during school that day.

Um, no.

Apparently while I was sitting here doing a post yesterday, she told Junior, but I knew nothing about it. It seems they had a volunteer from the humane society come in and talk about animals.

She had a poodle with her.

Oh, crap.

The teacher said she noticed Brandi tense up a little, and then when it came time to pet the dog, Brandi chose not to. When the dog was let out of the crate, Brandi pulled her feet up on the chair.

It was then that the teacher asked Boo to go out in the hall with her, and when they got out there, she asked Brandi if she was afraid of dogs.

That was all Boo needed, and the tears started. Her teacher told her to go walk around for a little while, go to the bathroom, get a drink of water, and then come back to the class and sit outside in the hall and read. Her teacher felt so bad!

I felt even worse. It never occurred to me that there would be dogs in class, so I never mentioned Brandi's fear. My poor baby was scared to death. Her teacher told her, right in front of Junior and I, that if she ever felt uncomfortable with anything they do in class, to just ask to go to the library, and she would know what it meant. It would be their little code.

How cool is that?

I really like her teacher this year. Oh, and they are also doing testing to check for advanced kids, and her teacher told me there is not a doubt in her mind that Brandi will be placed in the accelerated class next year. She said that it amazes her how quickly Brandi retains information, and how she is always paying attention and wanting to please. This comes as no surprise to me. I know Boo stresses too much about things that a seven year old shouldn't worry about...that's just her personality. I have said it before that I wouldn't be surprised if she gave herself an ulcer before she leaves elementary school.

Anyway, Ryan and Kasi brought home their report cards today. If you are my friend on facebook you already read this, but I am just so flippin' proud of all my monsters. Kasi got 3 A's and 3 B's. One of her A's was in her honors math class, and her average was actually a 100. How cool is that!?! Ryan, who is a C student at best in the past, brought home 4 A's, 1 B and 1 C. He did awesome! I am sooooo proud of all of them!

Let's just hope they can keep it up all year long!

1 comment:

Jenera said...

Sounds like you have some smart kids there! And it's great to hear of a teacher that is willing to work with a student.