Monday, October 26, 2009

Some Days, I Feel Like A Really Bad Parent

Tonight, my dad's church had a Fall festival. There was a hot dog supper, followed by games and a fun kind of trick or treating. The kids had so much fun. Their favorite games was, of course, the cake walk. Ryan won a pecan pie (sorry, I will not eat's too Southern for me, but Junior and Ryan LOVE it) and Kasi won a cinnamon pound cake, that is yum-o. There were all kinds of games for the kids to play, from mini-golf to cupcake decorating. For each game they played, they got a ticket they could turn in at the end for prizes.

Their trick or treating was pretty cool, too. We walked through the Sunday School rooms, and in each room we were told a bible story. Now, I grew up going to church, and there are many days I feel really guilty that I don't take my kids to church. I mean, I know all the bible stories. I can still quote bible verses, which amazes Ryan and Kasi. But, my absolute worst mommy moment came tonight, after hearing the story of David and Goliath.

The man playing David finished his story, and we were leaving the room, when Brandi looked at me and asked if the stories we were hearing were real.


I told her they were, and then she asked if the bible told stories, or if it was just a bunch of stuff telling people how to be good.

Double wow.

It hurt my heart that my kids don't know these things. I wish I could get Junior to agree to go to church with me. I am going to tell him he doesn't have a choice, because I don't want my kids not knowing about God.

What kind of a Christian am I if I don't teach them about, or lead them to, God?


Elaine said...

This is Dad, AMEN!

StaceyC4 said...

You know, when we moved to NC 14 years ago, Frank and I both went to church. Then, a year later, he stopped. I stayed. It is very hard to go alone but I do it. My older son always went with me - my youngre one gives me grief because he'd rather be home with dad. We make compromises but essentially, Frank just doesn't go. I LOVE my church and the people there and my older son is such a Godly young man that it amazes me.

Just Jenny said...

I agree, you must go, even if it is alone for a while. Hubby and I finally found a church that we both like and I LOVE TO go!!!

Stick with it!! It is very important. Also get a good devotional to do at home with the kids. They have really neat ones out (and you could probably find online for free) that even do little science experiments and other real life connections that they can relate to!
Every little thing helps in the long run!!
Good Luck! and I will be praying for you.