Monday, November 9, 2009

Birthday's And A Pinata

Remember last month when we had Ryan's Halloween birthday party, and it started pouring rain half way through? The kids were disappointed that they couldn't hit the pinata. Ryan has been asking every day since then if he could take a whack at it.

Since this past Friday was his birthday, we decided to let the kids have fun with it. Junior tied it to a bungee cord, and whenever the kids took a swing, he raised it up. They had a blast!

It took about fifteen minutes for them to finally get enough hits in to break it open, and the it was a free for all for the candy and toys inside. I had light up eyeballs and mini bubbles containers in there, plus some candy.

I think they had more fun doing it just the three of them than they would have if we had done it at the party. They each got to hit it quite a few times, and that's really the fun part. If my back had felt better, I would have taken a couple of whacks myself, but I ended up being the picture taker, as usual.

It's now time to start planning Brandi's birthday, which is December 4th. She really wants to have a bowling party, but I don't think that's going to happen, especially right before Christmas. I am going to have a hard enough time finding the money for Santa, let alone an extra $100 for a bowling party. I think I might just take my kids one Sunday when the games are cheaper, and let them have fun. I know it's not the same thing, but i think she will have just as much fun.

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