Monday, November 2, 2009

Tempting Fate

Junior and I do not have life insurance. We looked into it years ago, but we couldn't afford a good policy, and what we could afford wasn't any better than what we both had through our jobs. Now that I am working from home, I no longer have any coverage. Junior has a small policy, I think, but probably nothing that will make any big difference should something happen to him.

I remember in a Dean Koontz book, the main character didn't believe in life insurance. She thought that taking out a policy was tempting fate. Her husband then dies in a car accident, and she finds out that he had taken out a policy behind her back. Is this something I believe? Absolutely not.

Finding the right Life Insurance policy can be daunting. Finding the right policy can be confusing, because there are so many different types. Do I need whole life, or term life, or what is the difference? You would think that at 37 years old I would know this stuff, but I don't. Luckily there are websites out there that can help me make an informed decision. is one of those sites that can help me decipher the differences in policies, and help me find the one that is right for me. And for us, as a family.

What do you think? Should I tempt fate?


StaceyC4 said...

Hey! First, I like the new look today. Very nice. Second, we don't have life insurance either and it bothers me. I mean, if something did happen to either of us, the other would be living on the street and yet we can't afford it! It doesn't seem right.

Miranda said...

I agree nice look! We used to have our own Life insurance, but cashed it in when I got divorced. I do have a plan through work which is awesome. I would highly recommend it, especially if you have kids. If anything, to cover the funeral costs and such.

Patricia Rockwell said...

I only know what Suze Orman recommends about life insurance. If you are responsible for other people (you are), you should have it, so if something happens to you, they will have money to cover the cost of things such as babysitters for your children while your husband is at work, etc. Children do not need life insurance because they are not responsible for anyone. Single people typically do not need life insurance (unless they care for an elderly parent). Check out her website and she will help you determine how much you need--probably not as much as you think.