Friday, October 8, 2010

What Do The Chinese Know?

We were eating at a Chinese restaurant recently, and on the table they had those paper placemats that have the Chinese Zodiac on them.  Of course the kids needed to know when Junior and I were born so they could read what it said about us.

I am a rat.  According to the menu, I am:

Ambitious yet honest.
Prone to spend freely. 
Seldom make lasting friendships. 
Most compatible with Dragons and Monkeys. 
Least compatible with Horses.

Do you want to guess what Junior is?

That's right.  He's a Horse.  According to the menu, he is:

Popular and attractive to the opposite sex.
Often ostentatious and impatient.
Needs people.
Marry a Tiger or a Dog early.
Never marry a Rat.

The kids thought this was hysterical!  I pointed out to them, though, that Junior and I have been together for almost 16 years, so the Chinese must be wrong.

At least they make good food.


Frugal Vicki said...

MMMMMMM chinese food! When I was pregnant with each of my kids I got a cute fortune like "you will be accepting a small gift soon". I kept them!

Nona said...

I love rats!

According to the chinese zodiac I am a rooster. My husband is a horse.

jenn said...

Vicki ~ that is awesome! I would keep them forever, too.

jenn said...

Nona ~ I know you do!

Tammy said...

What fun! I haven't seen on of those in years. I can't remember what I am. I may just have to look that up.

Tara Beaulieu said...

LOL that is hysterical! I am a rabbit and Ed is a Tiger. Apparently this is his year, we'll see! :)

jenn said...

Tammy ~ it was fun to see how accurate (or wrong) they were.

jenn said...

Tara ~ the kids found it pretty amusing!