Thursday, November 5, 2009

Two Closets Down...One More To Go

I don't know what got into me this morning, but I have been cleaning like a madwoman. I put on some music...Def Lepard, baby...and sang while I scrubbed. My kitchen is sparkly, at least it was before I cooked supper. My shower curtain is mildew free...I don't know why, but for the past month or so, this curtain gets mildewy overnight. I threw it in the washer with detergent and bleach, and let it soak for a while. A run through the wash cycle, and it is white again.

I also went through closets and packed a few boxes. I threw out so much junk, and it felt so good. I am glad I am making progress on the packing. The one closet left is in Ryan's room, and it has all my Christmas decorations in it. Once I pull all of that out, I can put the boxes I have already packed in that closet so they are out of the way.

On deck for tomorrow...Lady Antebellum and cleaning the living room!

1 comment:

Miranda said...

Wow, you go girl! I know I've been on a roll too. LOL tomorrow, the next room!