Thursday, November 5, 2009

Where Does The Time go?

Tomorrow is Ryan's birthday. At 8:30 pm he will be 14 years old.


I know I have said it before, but I just can not believe that I have a child that old. Where did the last 14 years go?

I am going to do a happy birthday post for him tomorrow, but I wanted to link to the post I did last year. I wish I saved the one from my old blog that I did two years ago, because it was awesome.

Oh well...I'll just have to make tomorrows extra special.


Miranda said...

Happy Birthday Ryan!!! Loved your post from last year.

Carrie said...

Time does go by too fast. We must cherish the memories and time with our children day to day.

With the craziness of our family life we have to try not to blink or we will miss so much. My baby Blake turned 5 on Nov.1st. I guess those baby days are definitely over