Monday, April 26, 2010

Do You Have Vacation Plans?

I can not believe it is the end of April.  Seriously, how are we already a third of the way through this year?  The kids only have five more weeks of school, and then it's Summer vacation.

Last year, we camped for a few days.  We are hoping that we can go for a full week this year, but we'll see.  There are so many different family vacation ideas, and I'm thinking that maybe this year we should do something different.   The kids are wanting to take another day trip to the mountains, so I'm hoping we can do that.  When we went over Spring Break, the water was too cold to really enjoy.  Junior says it will always be cold because it is mountain water, but I am sure it will feel a lot better when it is 100 degrees outside.  At least we don't have to worry about baby travel, since our youngest is eight.   It's nice not to have to worry about all the things you need for little ones when you travel, like diapers and formula and baby sunglasses.  I like that my kids are old enough to be responsible for their own things.

It sure makes vacations a little more relaxing.


StaceyC4 said...

I wish we were going somewhere this summer but my son's graduation party is eating a big whole in our budget. I would love to get back up to the mountains, too, but we'll have to wait and see. We're also trying to plan a trip back to Disney for 2011 but that's so far away!

jenn said...

I wish we could go to Disney. The funny thing is, I have a lot of family that lives fairly close to it, so if we went I am sure we could stay with my aunt or grandmother. The tickets to get in the park are outrageously expensive, though, aren't they?