Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I added an entrecard widget to my new cooking blog, hoping to get more traffic over there.  I am really enjoying writing about the food I make.  I am still trying to figure out how to do the posts so that they are easy to follow recipes, but I'll get there.

Hopefully. Eventually.


StaceyC4 said...

I haven't put an EC widget on my new blog yet...I'm just not sure. Hey, I remembered that you liked my chicken pot pie recipe. I have a good one for a shepherd's pie if you are interested!

jenn said...

My family loved your pot pie recipe. I have made it several times since then. I even made it for my mom, and she loved it, too. I always give you credit!

Okay, so I have to ask, what is a shepherd's pie?

Kristin said...

I had no idea you had a cooking blog! I will indeed check it out! My, you are busy! I have been absent for a while.. I had surgery, of which I didn't even mention on my blog, and I am caring for my friend's 2 month old baby. phew, i am tired!

jenn said...

Kristin! I've missed you, and seeing pictures of those beautiful girls of yours. I hope whatever surgery you had went well, and you are completely healed!

Ohhhh...I love babies! i wish i had a little one to take care of (as long as it went home at the end of the day!) lol!