Monday, April 19, 2010

I Hung Out With Lylah Today

I forgot how much work it is to have a baby around the house.

I babysat my little niece, Lylah, today. She has a cold, and instead of being miserable at daycare, she came and spent the day with me. She's almost six months old, and a total sweetheart. She wasn't cranky (too much) but she wanted to be held most of the day, which wasn't really a problem for me :). The problem was that I must have blocked out how much work little ones are. The bottles and diapers and binkies. I didn't eat or pee the entire time she was here! lol! (maybe she should come everyday...that would sure help with the whole losing weight thing! lol)

I enjoyed every second with her. We watched a few movies, a couple of television shows on demand and basically just chilled.

She also made me realize that I in no way, shape, or form want to have another child.

I like eating and peeing way too much! lol!


Brenda said...

Thanks - that made me laugh! I love the Precious Moments picture.

jenn said...

I'm glad I provided you with a chuckle! :)