Monday, April 19, 2010

Discover Your Temptress Temperature

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of KAO Brands. All opinions are 100% mine.
How would you like to win a trip to Vegas for you and three of your closest friends, with $1500 in spending money? Sounds great, right? I know I wouldn't mind a nice kid and husband free vacation. I know the three friends I would take, too. My sisters.

If you want to enter to win this Temptation is Beautiful sweepstakes, just head to their website and fill out the form. I should probably mention that this contest is only open to all us temptresses in the US. You can enter daily, and they even have ways of getting bonus entries. One of those ways is by taking the Temptation Quiz, which I did. Check out my results:

The funny thing is, it is so wrong. You see, when they ask you a question, they give you four possible answers to choose from. I had to choose the least horrifying of the four, because they didn't have an option of answering yourself. For instance, they ask what you would do on a girls night out. The possible answers were about going to bars and fancy restaurants. For me, the perfect night would be dinner at a nice, but not too fancy place, and maybe some bowling or a movie. There was also a question about what was your title in high school, with the options being class clown, class president, and a couple of others. My answer would have been wall flower; trying to blend in and stay unnoticed. But, the quiz was fun to do, even if the answers were a little off.
Aside from the grand prize trip to Vegas, you can also enter to win the daily prize, which is a gift basket filled with all the goodies pictured above. Included in the basket are Curél®, Jergen’s®, Bioré®, Ban®, and John Frieda® products. They will be giving away a basket a day, so make sure you are getting your daily entries in.

I want to know if you take the Temptation Quiz, so be sure to come back and let me know which result you got, and if you think it is accurate.
Visit my sponsor: Temptation is Beautiful


bcmomtoo said...

I love the way you put that - least horrifying of the answers. None of them really worked for me, either. Somehow I got Just Right - so I guess that's what you get when you pick the least horrifying ones.

I hope I win!!

jenn said...

I would love to win, too. But every time i tried to post my quiz results on facebook/twitter, I got an error message. i tried a bunch of times and it never worked.

Oh well.