Monday, April 19, 2010

I Napped

After my niece left this afternoon, I laid down, with the intention of just resting my eyes for a moment. An hour and a half later, Brandi woke me up. It was almost 6:30 by then, and I hadn't even started dinner. We had to run to my mom's house to pick up Ryan's computer, which I accidentally left there yesterday. Then we had to go by one of Junior's coworkers house to pick up some money (he put a new radiator in her car today), and by the time we got home it was after 9. Needless to say, by this point Brandi was exhausted, and I am sure I will have one cranky kid in the morning. I ended up feeding them McDonald's, which is something I am really trying to stay away from. But nights like tonight, when we are running around and we need to eat cheap, we don't have a lot of options.

Oh, and did I mention that the little nap I took has me wide awake right now? Who knows when I will finally be tired enough to head to bed. Hopefully it will be soon.

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