Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I drop 300 entrecards for this blog every single day. That means I check out 300 different blogs every single day, and that's not including my favorites who don't participate in entrecard.

That said, I have discovered something lately that I find extremely annoying. Different blogs using the same exact picture in their posts. Now, I'm not talking about stock pictures. I am talking about popular pictures of the day. For instance, I can not tell you how many blogs I have seen the past couple of days that have that "deforestation" picture with all the dogs lined up to pee on the one lone tree. Sure, it's a cute picture, the first time. But after seeing it over and over, I stop reading what people are writing about it.

It's just a little pet peeve of mine....


Frugal Vicki said...

rofl, I'm glad I don't have a dog peeing picture up! I never noticed that before!

Cascia Talbert said...

That would bug me too. Why can't they be a little more original?

bcmomtoo said...

Not guilty! I guess I should drop more cards, because I haven't seen that one even once - but,yeah, it would get old seeing the same pic over and over and over.

jenn said...

Vicki ~ it really is a cute picture...the first time! lol!

jenn said...

Cascai ~ I know people like to comment on what's current and popular, and the content of the posts are different...I don't know. It just bugged me the other day that I was seeing this picture everywhere.

jenn said...

Anna ~ There is another one of a big guy and a girl with a funny look on her face, and the guys shirt says "chick magnet". This one is used a lot for people who do the "caption this" thing. Like I said, just a pet peeve...