Tuesday, April 27, 2010


 I have been trying, for the past few months, to eat better. I want to get healthier.

Losing weight has been a bonus. 

My one vice is diet soda.  I drink it from the moment I wake up until I go back to bed at night.  I have tried to drink plain water, but it never lasts more than a few days.  I need something that has some flavor, and I am not a fan of those little packets you can add to bottled water.

I have heard lots of good things about drinking tea, and how different teas can help you with different things.  I know some teas are good for weight loss, while others can help with depression.  There is such a variety of flavors, too.  There's black tea, green tea, white tea, herbal teas, and fruit teas.  Of all of these, I think I want to try the fruit tea.  I found a website where I can buy tea, and they do have a fruit tea that contains Vitamin C rich hibiscus, rose hips, apple, lemon, and orange.  To this base, they add either blackberry or dragonfruit.  Sounds delicious, right?

I hope that it tastes as good as it sounds, because I have got to find something else to drink besides diet soda.

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