Friday, April 23, 2010

What Do I Want For Mother's Day?

 I have been thinking a lot about Mother's Day, mostly because Junior keeps asking me what I want.  If I'm being honest, I would tell him I want jewelry.  We have been married for almost fifteen years, and my engagement and wedding rings are the only pieces of jewelry he has ever given me. 

I know he can't afford to spend much, so I was looking for reasonably priced jewelry, and found this gorgeous pendant.  I love that it has five diamonds.  Each one represents a member of my little family.

I heard you just say "awww".  I did too. I bet that you can't tell that the diamonds are made in Diamond Nexus Labs and that they are not "real" diamonds. I couldn't tell.  They sparkle and shine like "real" diamonds, and I don't think people would know they weren't the real thing. 

The next time Junior asks what I want for Mother's Day, I am going to point him to this necklace.  I want it to be from him.  I still want the kids to shop for me themselves, even if it means another purple sparkly pen and elephant. 

Because I love those gifts more than anything.


bcmomtoo said...

Nobody would know they're not real diamonds, except that you told them! :P

I like it - it's really pretty.

jenn said...

It is pretty, isn't it? They have so many nice pieces, it was really hard deciding which was my favorite.

StaceyC4 said...

My son (the older one) asked me what I wanted for Mother's Day the other day. He does this around any holiday where I am gift-entitled. Then i tell him what I want, and he buys me something else - normally that I do NOT want! I got a video game for Christmas (I hate video games) and I've gotten movies (that he likes) for birthdays. I had to get my husband involved this year! That necklace would be nice, though!

jenn said...

Stacey ~ I am waiting for that to kick in with my son, though if he ever gave me a video game, I would probably love it! lol!