Monday, June 28, 2010


ABC Family channel premiered a new show tonight called Huge.  It is about a bunch of kids at a fat camp.

I watched it, and am not too sure how I feel about it.  The main character is played by Nikki Blonsky, you know, the girl who played Tracey in the movie Hairspray.  She is at this camp, but does not want to be there.  She claims she doesn't want to lose weight, because she is happy with herself.  She says it's her parents who are embarrassed of her weight.  But by the end of the show, she decides that she is going to give it a try.

Now, I am all for kids getting healthier (that is what the counselor says the camp is all about) but what does this show says to kids who are struggling with their weight?  Sure, most of the kids on this show are extremely overweight, but a few are just kind of heavy.  This is where I am struggling.  Kids have a hard enough time with being heavy (I know from experience...I was always the fat girl growing up), shouldn't we have shows about it being okay to be who you are?  Not all shows have to be about being (or getting) thin.

I don't think what I am trying to say is coming out right.  Did you watch this show?  If so, what were your thoughts?


Tara Beaulieu said...

I haven't seen it yet, but I read about it in Entertainment Weekly and was sort of wondering the same thing- like why can't there just be a show about people who are whatever size they are, not a show that has overweight people that is ABOUT them being overweight. You know what I mean? It's like the TV industry wants us to believe that they're so forward thinking by having people of "larger sizes" on but then they stereotype them with the sorts of roles they make available.

I guess progress in these areas is slow though, so I don't want to count it out just yet. I think we now see a lot more people of different races on TV than we used to and they're not always just the stereo typed characters that they used to be. But it took a LONG time to get that way...

Laane said...

One of my sons is seriously overweight because of a braindisorder.
These shows create the idea that everyone should be able to control his or her own weight.
But we know, from scientific research, that not all people can indeed control their weight.
So what are we doing with these kids?
Creating failures. Creating the feeling that they can't keep in control.
Is that what we want for our children?

jenn said...

Tara ~ I am going to watch it again, and hope that it starts to focus a little less on becoming thin and more on just being happy with who you are. I'm not sure I want my daughters watching it, though.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you that with all the pressure kids have it would be a real relief to let them be who they are once in a while.

jenn said...

Laane ~ exactly. I am so tired of young girls (and boys, too) thinking they have to be just like everyone else to be normal. Everyone's normal is different, and kids should be proud of that, not embarrassed. I am thankful that so far my kids have good heads on their shoulders about their weights. They are not super thin, but they don't let that bother them. They focus more on being good friends to the friends they have instead of trying to fit in with the kids who don't like them for who they are. I could go on and on, but I think we are on the same page here.

jenn said...

thedickdujour ~ you said it perfectly.

Tammy said...

I missed it and I did want to see it. I'm a Biggest Loser fan but I have read that a large percentage of the people on Biggest Loser gain most of the weight back. I don't like Jillian new show. Not all people have had something happen to them and that is the reason for their weight. Some people are just a little over weight.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ I love The Biggest Loser. The thing with that show is, they are adults who made the choice to change their life. If they keep the weight off or gain it back, it's their choice. I am questioning Huge because it seems to be sending the message that kids need to change to fit in. I hate that. Weight does not define a person, and i think that is getting lost in this show. I wish you had seen it...a few of the girls are a little overweight, and they are sent to fat camp. Why? They don't belong there, in my opinion, and I think it is sending a horrible message to teens who are already dealing with self esteem issues...

I think growing up overweight and dealing with these issues first hand has me all riled up! lol!