Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I Hate Pop Ups

Okay fellow bloggers.  I can not tell you how much I hate pop ups on your blogs.  If I want to subscribe to your feed or leave my email address, I will find a way to do it without the pop up.  Just put a little button in your sidebar or something.  If I visit your blog and I am met with a pop up, I will not go back.  I find them that annoying, and I doubt I am the only one.  This also goes for pop up ads that I have to click through to get to your blog.  Annoying.

Don't even get me started on the blogs that play music....they are the reason I keep the volume muted on my computer whenever I blog hop.


Dawn said...

I will try to copy and paste the thing that pops up for me when I comment in blogger. I hate it. lol But, I come back.

I will NOT go to blogs that have music. Being on dial up.. you know the rest of the story.

Dawn said...

It is a security warning. I must have the security set high. lol

jenn said...

Dawn ~ I had no idea there were pop ups in my comments...I thought I had the verification turned off...I guess I need to investigate....or do you think it's something on your end?

Dawn said...

You are ok. It is my security settings. LOL

Frugal Vicki said...

I am with you!!

jenn said...

Dawn ~ okay, great! I would hate to be a one of those pop up people and not even know it.

jenn said...

Vicki ~ it is especially annoying when dropping ecards!

Unknown said...

Hate em!!!

Unknown said...

I hate them too - I find them really annoying. If I am visiting a site and a pop up appears, then I leave straight away.

jenn said...

Nancy ~ I am so glad to hear that I am not the only one who does.

jenn said...

Ian ~ I do the same exact thing.