Friday, June 11, 2010

My Sunburn

Nice, right? 

This is my chest, and it hurts! 

This seems to be the worst spot though, and right now it is peeling.  In fact, my entire back, chest, and shoulders are peeling.  I had Kasi peeling me this morning, and then while I was in the pool this afternoon, my skin was sliding off. 

I know, it's gross.

I'm hoping from here on out I will just tan.  And yes, I am wearing just doesn't work too well.


Barbara said...

I promise, you won't smell like it, if you take a bath, in about a quart of Apple Cider vinegar. Just make the water tepid. Soak in there, for about 20 minutes.
I made a boyfriend, do that many years ago. It takes the sting out, and soothes the itch, when you are peeling. Chances are, you even have some in your cupboard right NOW!

jenn said...

Barbara ~ I have never heard this before...I am going to have to get some apple cider vinegar and try this. Thanks for the tip!

Unknown said...

So, would you say that you are "peachy," but not necessarily "keen?" By the way, I can remember trying apple cider vinegar for a bad sunburn, but I can't remember just how well it worked on me.

jenn said...

FishHawk ~ lol! That's funny!

Unknown said...

I was just about to say....girl where was your sunscreen!! But, since you had it on looks like it is time for a higher spf...ouch!!

Real aloe works wonders too!


Forgetfulone said...

I hope it's healing. And I have something for you on my blog.

RE - RecycledFrockery said...

Jenn, get the white vinegar out. also the aloe vera. they both help.

The vinegar helps right after the burn. the aloe vera helps heal and repair the newly burned skin underneath.

both layers burn when its that red. remember to think about your sun exposure as being in an xray machine, because you my dear are quite fair skinned. trust me I know allllll about this problem from personal experience all my life.

jenn said...

Lydia ~ I put aloe on it, and burned so bad! I finally put a burn cream on it that my husband got from the first aid kit at work, and that seems to ease the pain a little. I am using spf 30, but maybe I do need to go higher.

jenn said...

Diana ~ it looks worse today...I'll post a new picture soon...I'll be over to see what you have for me in a bit.

jenn said...

RE-recycledfrockery ~ like I said in the comment above, aloe burns. I lost the top layer of skin, and now another layer is peeling off. I don't think it's helping that I can not stay out of the pool...we were outside for 6 hours or so today, and had so much fun! I am hoping sooner or later I will start tanning instead of burning. We'll see.

Tammy said...

My skin hurts just looking at your burn!