Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Breyers Smooth & Dreamy Review & Giveaway

For me, there is nothing that can cool you down faster on a hot summer day than ice cream.  And if you are like me, and I think most women (and some men, too) are, you don't want to splurge on all those calories.

What would you think if I told you that you could eat this delicious ice cream sandwich, and only take in 160 calories and 4 grams of fat?  Look at all that chocolate and caramel!!!

You'd think I was pretty awesome, right?  I am not the awesome one, though.  Breyers is.  That ice cream sandwich is their new Smooth & Dreamy Chocolate Caramel Brownie, and let me tell you, it is just as delicious as it looks. (you can find out all the nutritional information by following the link)

I was worried when I bought them, though, because I know how some "light" snacks can taste.  Let me assure you, this ice cream was smooth and delicious, and the chocolate didn't taste like cardboard, which happens sometimes, too, when companies try and make it better for you.  I bet you want to try it out for yourself, don't you?

The good news is that I can make that happen for four of you.  All you have to do is visit the Smooth & Dreamy website, and then leave a comment here telling me which flavor you would like to try.  On August 1st, I will pick the winners.  (USA and Canada only on this one...sorry)

Good luck!

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Breyers and received products necessary to facilitate my review. In addition, I received a gift certificate to thank me for taking the time to participate.


bcmomtoo said...

Those chocolate covered strawberry bars look amazing.

VetTech said...

I haven't tried the caramel ones yet, but the Breyers Smooth & Dreamy Brownie ones are awesome and the cookie dough ones are good too.

deejay said...

i hate ice cream coz it makes my stomach cramble. lolz.

Tammy said...

My mouth was watering looking at all that yummy ice cream. I think you picked the best one Chocolate Caramel Brownie Sandwiches. But I think I would also love the triple chocolate chip bars. I'm a chocolate lover.

redkathy said...

Can't decide between the brownies and the triple chocolate chips, both sound yummy! Thanks for the opportunity!

Big Hug Shows How Much You Care! said...

Can u send me ones please :)

~Jenn~ said...

they look really good. i, of course, love chocolate, and i also happen to be a big fan of caramel and who doesn't like ice cream?? lol ~

i'll have to try these!! thanks for sharing.

Tammy said...

I have to say that every time I see this picture of this ice cream sandwich my mouth waters. It really looks good.

Forgetfulone said...

mmm. triple chocolate chip bars!

Donna said...

I wuld like the triple chocolate chip bars.

Anonymous said...

I'm a plain chocolate gal myself!