Friday, July 2, 2010

I'm Lucky, And I Know It

I read hundreds of blogs a day.  I know, it's crazy, but as I drop ecards, I always check out a blogs newest post, even though I don't comment.  Some blogs are funny, while others are extremely serious and boring.  And then there are the ones that tug at my heart. 

I blog honestly.  I talk about my kids, and my husband, and whatever else is on my mind.  There is no rhyme or reason to this blog, other than to have a journal of my life.  My kids may be interested in reading all of this one day.  If they do, I hope they can see in my words how much they mean to me.

There are parents out there dealing with neurological diseases in their children. Reading what these moms and dads write brings me to tears sometimes.  It makes me take a second and really think about how lucky I am that my kids were born healthy, and continue to be healthy.  I am not looking online for epilepsy treatments or ways to prolong the life of my child.  It is so sad to read what some kids are going through, yet I get sucked in, and feel like I am fighting along with their families.   But isn't that what a blog is for?  To find support and encouragement?

I get tired of reading some blogs where all they are worried about is "making it big".  These people drive me nuts.  One day they are begging for sponsors to get to the big conferences, and the next they are claiming that they will never blog again, because someone else is getting better endorsements.  Now, don't get me wrong here.  I have been known to complain a little when gooogle drops my ranks, or I miss a high paying opportunity, but I don't think I have ever threatened to quit blog because of it.  The people who do are just looking for comments, wanting their egos stroked.

Sorry, but that is not my thing.  If you want to stop blogging, stop talking about it, and just stop blogging.

Okay, I think I got a little off topic here.  I was trying to write about how lucky I am to be a mom of healthy children.  I know I am, and I thank God every night for it.  I also say a little prayer for all those blog mommies out there who aren't as lucky.


Kimmy said...

I know you are the lucky one my friend. Sometimes it is hard to read your blog, as I get very jealous that you get to "stay at home"

Briefly, I do want to share just a warning. My ex best friend, "Jennie" spent near 17 years rubbing it in my face that she "had the best job" in the world. Raising her boys were the #1 priority. After about 16 of those years I had enough of her bragging and condescending ways. I decided that maybe a working mom with kids and a stay at home mom just might not work. This came after I decided to go out with her on a week-night to a bar, and at 11:30, when I told her I had to go home because I have work she called me "her dad".

Anyway. About three years passed, and I held no grudges. I just didn't see or talk to her. I even made sure that we wouldn't run into each other.

Imagine my surprise when I found out her oldest son was a high school drop out in a great suburban school NW of Chicago. DROP OUT. Alcohol issues, kicked out of the house.

MOM FAILED. Or is what I wrote on the blog I dedicated to her. I had to delete it right away, because she failed him. It wasn't his fault. She was too busy bragging, and running around like a rich soccer mom with a million dollars.

My daughter is the same age. Her freshman college year left a lot to be desired. She could have worked harder. She could have concentrated more on school, than her friends.

Now I know that the grass is always greener on the other side. However, add 8-9 FULL hours of non stop work, on top of getting ready, and travel time, and STILL have time to be involved takes a lot of drive.

If you ever need to walk away from your computer in the next few years, don't hesitate. Your readers will wait.

You kids are your life. It doesn't matter what we see. It matters what you do. :-)

(By the way, I am not comparing. Just needed someone to talk about this.)

We as woman, all need just the voice of "keeping in check". Lord knows I need it with my attitude at times. I can be really crabby when it comes to my ex best friend. I held that boy when he was born.

What was her excuse to justify?

jenn said...

Kimmy ~ I hope you didn't think I was bragging, or comparing my life to others. That was so not my intention. My husband and I sacrifice a lot so that I can stay at home, and our life is in no way easy. We drive an older van, we rent our home (because we can not afford a mortgage payment), we don't get to go out and do a lot of the things we would like to do, but we are happy. I worked fast food for years, and am now bringing home the same amount of money blogging. Is it a lot? No. But it helps put gas in the van and allows us to eat out a couple of times a month.

The point of my post was supposed to be about women who blog strictly for the endorsement, and benefits, they can get from big companies. There is one blogger in particular who i read, and she threatens to quit writing on her blog because she can't get into the good conferences or get the big endorsements. For me, that is not the point of blogging. I have made awesome friends, who have becomes my friends in real life. And I know, if these blogs bother me I should stop reading them. I get that, and I do stop reading.

I am not looking to get the big endorsements. I know i will never be that popular. I am okay with that. I am happy with my little piece of the blogosphere.

And again, I hope you didn't think I was bragging about being a work at home mom. I promise you I wasn't. (or should I say, I didn't mean for it to sound that way, because that is not me)

Frugal Vicki said...

You made me think. I used to be a woe-is-me type. I used to think I had bad days. But now, I don't have bad days. Because I have my kids. Because I was able to have kids at all. Because they do not have cancer. I can't have a bad day. I can have trying ones, but not bad. My son had two surgeries, and the things we saw at the hospital will be with me forever. I once told someone that was whining whining whining that she should seriously go eat lunch in the cafeteria of the children's hospital. Her whine of not having the car she wanted would be insignificant in that room.

jenn said...

Vicki ~ when I was a teen, I worked at McDonalds. I was very involved with the store ~ I even started a monthly newsletter ~ and one Christmas, the newspaper staff and I decided that we were going to collect money, and buy gifts for a local Ronald McDonald house. I remember delivering the gifts, and seeing all the kids and families staying there, and how excited they were that we took the time to deliver the gifts ourselves. Some of the kids were bald, battling cancer, and others looked normal, so we never knew what they were facing. The parents of those kids looked so tired...all these years later, I still remember that.

I thank God every day for giving me healthy kids, and I also pray that they stay healthy. I honestly do not know if I would be strong enough to handle something happening to them.