Friday, July 16, 2010

Is A "No-Scalpel Vasectomy" The Right Form Of Birth Control For You?

birth control Pictures, Images and Photos

I am going to be totally honest with you right now.  I have never really read up on no-scalpel vasectomies before, because I am afraid of permanent birth control methods.  Sure, it would be nice knowing there was no chance of a surprise baby, but I still want the option of having a planned baby, if I ever decide that is what I want.  My husband, however, is all for it, but like most other men, is afraid of the actual procedure.  And honestly, I can't blame him.  But, the techniques that are used these days make the procedure less painful, and from what I read, more and more men are stepping up to have it done. 

I mean, it is a better birth control method than the one used in that cartoon up there.


Forgetfulone said...

I wish my husband would go have that done!

Forgetfulone said...

Oh, the no scalpel thing, not the cartoon! LOL

jenn said...

Diana ~ LMAO! You're too funny!