Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Fun With Dry Ice

Yesterday, I had a package delivered that contained a frozen product that I will be doing a review about sometime next week.  To keep the product frozen, it was packed in dry ice.  When I opened the box, it had a warning: wear protective gloves while handling dry ice.

Well, I do not keep dry ice protective gloves (what are those, anyway?) in the house, so I just used a pair or tongs and threw it in the sink.  I am talking about a pretty good sized piece of dry least 10 inches square, about two inches think.  Junior called the kids into the kitchen, and then turned the water on.  In no time flat, my kitchen looked like a scene from a scary movie.  It was pretty cool! 


Donna said...

That stuff is SO Cool!!Hahaa

Bella said...

that is so cool! :)

Maria @ LSS said...

We used to play with dry ice when my kids were young.

I wish you a wonderful weekend. :)

jenn said...

Thanks ladies! We had a lot of fun with it.

~Jenn~ said...

that is pretty cool. :) love the picture too!!

jenn said...

Thank Jenn! I think it looks kind of creepy.

Frugal Vicki said...

I love dry ice! How fun....but it does hurt like nothing else if you touch it wrong!

jenn said...

Vicki ~ I was scared to take it out of the package...I made Junior do it. The kids had a ball spraying it with water and watching what happened.