Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Right Way To Pack For A Move

Are you moving anytime soon?  I know with the economy the way it is, a lot of people are making the move to smaller, less expensive homes.  The key to a smooth move, and trust me because I have moved a few times in recent years, is to pack the right way.  You should use boxes that are specific to the items you are packing.  For instance, if you are packing your fine china, you don't want to put it in a box with your Tupperware.  You should use dish pack boxes that are designed to keep your dinnerware safe.  It is not fun to unpack your boxes and find broken dishes because you packed wrong.  Again, trust me.  I speak from experience.


~Jenn~ said...

we are going to be moving again, soon or at least by the Fall. and i'm dreading packing and all that... i'd love to be able to buy boxes to pack in so that things are safe and more organized, but it seems like an added expense to me, that we can't always lay out with the expense of moving anyway. but that is a good idea, i might have to check them out. i know i try to pack things and completely lable the boxes so that i know what is EXACTLY inside. that is if i have the time to do it that way... it normally starts off good and then by the time i'm 1/2 way through packing things are just shoved into whatever they can go into to get them moved. lol ~ i guess that is just life


jenn said...

You're moving? I thought you guys were buying the place you're in now?