Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tonight, We Finally Get To Say Goodbye

Tonight, in less than an hour, the episode will air where Captain Phil Harris dies.  I have been both looking forward to, and dreading this episode since I learned of Phil's death in February.  I have been watching Deadliest Catch since it started, and Captain Phil was always my favorite (with Sig coming in as a close second).  Though never having met any of these Captains personally, I feel like I know them. A lot of people feel that way, I'm sure.

I have been very emotional during the last few episodes, and I know I will not be dry eyed tonight.  I just watched a clip of the show that aired on Leno last night, and it was so hard to watch.  It was Josh and Phil, talking about how much they love each other.  I promise, my heart broke for them, and it still does for Josh and Jake. 

But, it's about that time.  Farewell Captain Phil.  You will be missed.


Danielle @ We Have It All said...

Watching right now :(

~Jenn~ said...

we watch deadliest catch here at our house too, and it was horrible news to find out in feb. we were devestated for the family and friends of Capt Phil, and mourned his death ourselves. he was a great guy... and one of my favorites on the show as well. Seeing the last few episodes and then the final one tonight tore my heart out... it was almost like living through it with them, although i know it had to be much harder on them. Capt Phil will be sadly missed.


Tammy said...

My boss watches this and has been very upset about Capt Phil. I haven't watched in a long time. I'm sure there are tons of people out there missing him.

Vixen said...

There wasn't a dry eye in the house. Farewell, captain.

jenn said...

Danielle ~ It was not an easy episode to watch, and I think next week, when the news of his death spreads through the fleet, is going to be a tough one to watch, too.

jenn said...

jenn ~ it's crazy that someone we never met can have such an impact on us. So sad :(

jenn said...

tammy ~ I agree...he was such a great guy.

jenn said...

vixen ~ same here...Kasi and I watched, and when she watched the part where Phil apologized for being a horrible father to Josh...well, it was hard to watch knowing what was going to happen. Farewell, indeed.