Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Children and Parents on the Internet

Thanks to my friend Carson Masters for the guest post

Protecting our children should be the number one priority when allowing them access to the internet. That was the philosophy we used when our daughter was first asking to use the computer. What we did was to first provide her with a computer that had no access to our hughes net satellite internet serviceso that she could practice the navigating around the programs that were installed. This gave us some time to organize our game plan and to get advice from parents who had already been there done that.

When we did decide to give her access to our satellite internet service AZ we put parental controls in place that we felt would give us the opportunity to better monitor where she was going on the net. As we all know, parental controls can be useful but they are not the only answer to protecting our children. It takes vigilance on the part of parents to make sure that the system works the way it should and besides interaction with children is probably the best way to protect them.

We placed her computer in the living area so that we could keep a watchful eye on the places she went on the internet and so that we could be readily available for help when she needed. The combination of precautions we took have made for a better internet experience for us all.

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