Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sunshine Award

One of my favorite people, Lydia, gave me this award.  Her blog, Still On The Verge, is one of the blogs I read every day.

Display the award on your blog, thank and link back to the person that gave it to you and pass it on to 12 (or 9 lol!) other deserving bloggers. I would like to pass this on to the following blogs:

Diana @ Forgetfulone

Vixen @ Vixen's Den


Vixen said...

You are deserving and thank you for sharing it with me!

Tammy said...

Thanks so much Jen!

Forgetfulone said...

You're one of my very favorite blogs, and have been for a while. Thanks for thinking of me!

Mom Knows Everything said...

Thank you Jenn! You are always so thoughtful and sweet!

jenn said...

vixen ~ you deserve it too! well, you know how awesome you are! How is that grandbaby? I didn't make a wordpress account, so I can't read the funsize blog anymore. :(

jenn said...

jeannette ~ you are so welcome :)

jenn said...

tammy ~ you're welcome...you know you're one of my fav's :)

jenn said...

diana ~ aw, you know I love your blog too, even though I have been a horrible commenter lately...but it's not just your blog...I have just been so busy.

jenn said...

tammy ~ right back atcha!

Frugal Vicki said...

I was over here on that day, but I was using my phone and have an issue with commmenting on tht for some reason! But thank you! You rock!