Thursday, July 1, 2010

Working Out

As most of you know, I have been struggling with my weight for as long as I can remember.  Even as a teen, I was always the heaviest of my friends, and the one who never dated.  Having kids only made my weight climb higher.  I have dieted, and done workout videos, but whatever weight I lost always seemed to come back.  But that was the past.

In the last ten months or so, I have lost almost 50 pounds.  I lost the first 35 pounds in the first two months, and have surprised myself by keeping it off.  That means that the last 15 pounds have taken me eight months to lose, which doesn't sound like much.  But to me, it is more important that I haven't regained the weight I lost.  It also might surprise you all that I have not been dieting.  I just decided to watch my portion sizes, and it's working.  Slowly, yes, but at least it is working.  I know there will come a time when exercise will become necessary, and I think that time is fast approaching.  I want to lose at least another 25 pounds by Christmas, which means losing about 4 pounds per month.

Exercise will definitely help me reach this goal.  There are so many programs out there these days, it is hard to know which one is right for me.  I know I need to start slow, and work my way up.  I read about High Intensity Interval Training, and while it sounds awesome, I know I am not ready for it just yet.  If you are ready for an advanced workout, you might want to check out Turbo Fire.  The basic package comes with 10 high intensity workout DVD's, covering cardio workouts and high intensity interval training, as well as sculpting and stretching classes.  The Turbo Fire Deluxe package includes four more DVD's, as well as support material like a resistance band and journal.  If you 20 weeks of cardio workouts, check out the Turbo Fire Upgrade DVD.  

Like I said before, this doesn't sound like something I am ready for.  Yet.  Give me a year or two, and hopefully I will be sweating along with Chalene Johnson, getting the best workout possible.

1 comment:

Frugal Vicki said...

Great job on losing the weight, and fantastic job for keeping it off!