Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Every morning, Brandi tells me how she wants her hair.  Some days, she is happy with a ponytail.  Some days, she just wants it brushed.

Then there are the mornings when she gives me specific instructions, and I better get it right.  This morning was one of those mornings.  She wanted a braid on each side, connected into one braid in the back.  I think I nailed it.

I don't know where she comes up with these hairstyles, but this one was pretty cute.  I wonder what I'll be doing tomorrow???


Donna said...

Ahhhhh! How Pretty!! Hope she's enjoying school!

Mrs. Carney said...

Yess, T.G. is the same way! She LOVES to wear her hair in a side ponytail. I don't know who she saw wearing one, but she's pretty much worn it that way every day this summer. :)

jenn said...

Miss Donna ~ she is, and so am I! lol!

jenn said...

Terra ~ A side ponytail! That is sooo 80's! I love it.

jellybelly said...

That is so pretty! I can't wait for my baby girl's hair to grow longer so we can do pretty things with it.

Brandi really knows what she wants :)

jenn said...

jellybelly ~ my older daughter always kept her hair short, so it's fun to have a kid who likes her hair long.

MsDarkstar said...

I'd like you to come braid my hair before my next interview, please. *grin

I love the braids! Very nicely done!

Unknown said...

It looks so pretty. What awesome golden hair!


jenn said...

MsDarkstar ~ come on over...I'm a pro! lol!

jenn said...

Lydia ~ I wish my hair was that blond (naturally!).

Tammy said...

I love it! It looks so good. I wish you lived by me I'd have you do my hair too.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ I'd love to do your hair! You have that natural blond thing going, too. Lucky girl.

Cacai M. said...

Pretty made braids! It's looking good! In Philippines of "bisayan", we call that "lubid" and when it's all of the hair will be braided, from the earsides down, we call it "centipede" ;-)

jenn said...

Cacai ~ I am going to have to tell that to Brandi the next time I braid her hair. Thanks for sharing :)

Forgetfulone said...

That is so cute! She has gorgeous hair. Angela didn't like me fussing with her hair too much when she was little. Now she fusses with it all the time.

jenn said...

Diana ~ Kasi was like that. I am so happy that Brandi likes her hair long.