Thursday, August 5, 2010

Do You Need Assistance?

How many of you wake up in the morning, wishing you had a personal assistant to help you get everything done that needs to be done in one single day? I know students can get overwhelmed with research and parents can use a little help keeping up with their kids busy schedules.

Luckily, there is a new and upcoming site called that can make having an assistant a reality.   (You can also find them on Twitter and Facebook)  You can hand over the mundane tasks that take up so much time, and then not worry about getting them done.  You can let them send you reminders and even manage your email.  The best part, I think, is that they have plans that start at just $15 a month.  There are no hourly fees or contracts, either. 

If you think you could use an assistant, this might be the site for you.


Tammy said...

I would love a assistant. It like a dream I could have my assistant do soooo much.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ I would love to hire someone to answer my phone when telemarketers call, so they can tell them to buzz off. (only maybe not that nicely!)