Saturday, August 14, 2010

A New Workout For Me

I can not believe that tomorrow night is a "school night".  Where has this summer gone?  It seems like only yesterday they were finishing up school for the year, and now they are going back.  This means I will be able to get back into a routine, and this year I want to try and get into the habit of working out in the mornings.  Years ago, I used to go for a walk once the kids got on the bus.  I also had a bunch of VHS workout tapes that I can no longer do (my VCR finally kicked the bucket), so I want to find a good workout on DVD.  I was thinking about joining a gym, but I don't think I would ever go.  I don't think people want to see my huge behind on the treadmills.

 I recently read about this Insanity Workout, and I really want to be able to do this program.  It's a 60 day total body conditioning cardio workout that comes on 10 DVDs.  It looks like these videos focus a lot on your abs and your core (are they the same thing?), which is something I really need to work on, once I get rid of the ton of fat covering my six-pack.

Once I get my abs in shape, I am going to have to work on my butt.  I mean, I can not remember the last time I put on a pair of jeans and liked the way my butt looked.  The Brazil Butt Lift sounds like something I will enjoy doing.  The DVDs use a mix of samba, caopeira, ballet, and traditional cardio to tone up your behind.  This workout was designed by the trainer for the Victoria Secret models, and we all know how fantastic their butts are.

Turbo Fire is the latest workout from Chalene Johnson. It's 3 months of high intensity interval training, core work, stretching, resistance training (with the bands that are included) and traditional training.  I think a combination of these workouts would completely kick my behind right now, but I am hoping that by losing some more of this weight I'm carrying around I will be able to do some of them.  I mean, we all have to start somewhere, right?


StaceyC4 said...

We have friends who are doing Insanity and it is just that...insane! The husband lost a LOT of weight and toned up a bunch but the wife hasn't seen the same results. Plus, they both say that a lot of the moves were really hard to do and you need to be careful. So...BE CAREFUL!!

Dawn said...

I haven't bought those DVD's, but I have some. I never did them. Good ole walking is the best thing. It doesn't cost a dime. Just my two cents worth. :)

jenn said...

Thanks for the warning Stacey. I know it's not something I can do right now, but maybe in a few (or a lot of) months.

jenn said...

Dawn ~ I used to love walking, and I really need to get back into that habit.