Thursday, August 5, 2010

Online Casinos Or Mahjong? Which Do You Prefer?

For the past few weeks, I have been staying up until I get Junior off to work.  I wake him up at 2:15am, then I sleep for a while.   Now that the kids are going to bed at normal bedtimes, the house is really, really quiet after 10pm.  Since Brandi normally sleeps with me, she goes to bed on the couch, and then when I get Junior up, I take her to bed with me.  The bad part about this setup is that I can't have the television loud or the lights on in the living room, which is where my computer is.  So from 10 until 2:15, I have to find ways to stay awake by still being pretty quiet. 

This is usually when I do most of my posting on my blogs, but sometimes I get bored with that.  I like to write posts and auto post them, so it can get tedious just sitting here in the dark writing.  I have recently discovered that I still love computer games, so I have been doing a little of that, too.  I haven't visited any online casinos yet; I've mostly been playing mahjong.  Can someone please tell me why this game is so addicting?   I have pretty much given up most of the games on Facebook, mostly because I am bored with them, too.

Right now, I am about to watch Royal Pains.  I need my Dr. Hank fix.

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