Tuesday, August 24, 2010

This Guy Reminds Me Of That Movie, A Bugs Life

Remember that movie?  With the evil grasshoppers that make all the ants collect food for them?  I haven't watched that movie in a long time, but as soon as I saw this guy I immediately thought of it.  Of course, my husband was more than happy to pick him up for me to get a good shot.  I felt bad for the little guy, though, because he only had one back leg, so he was kind of hopping a little crooked. 

Yeah, it was pretty funny, too.


Sandi said...

I used to love catching these things when I was a kid lol

Kristin said...

LOL! Yes - A Bug's life! Poor little guy with a missing leg!

jenn said...

Sandi ~ ewww...I won't touch bugs! The only bugs I will touch are lightening bugs.

jenn said...

Kristin ~ he was a little pitiful, but very funny, hopping around on one leg.

Dawn said...

Only one leg. You should of taken him to the vet !! LOLOL

Your hubby was brave. EWWWWWW

jenn said...

Dawn ~ you're too funny! :D

Tammy said...

I think he smiled for the picture :D

jenn said...

Tammy ~ :)