Monday, August 23, 2010

Where Did the Weekend Go?

Now that the kids are back in school, the weekends are the only days that I can get continuous sleep.  After a week of getting up to get Junior up, and again to get the kids to school, I am ready for 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

That didn't happen this past weekend, and I am dragging today because of it.  On Saturday, we spent the day at my mom's house.  Junior is still working on her kitchen, and the girls and I were hoping to swim.  It started raining, so I left all the kids with Junior at my mom's while I went shopping with my mom and sister.  After that, we ate at my sister's house and then played cards until 8ish.  I still had to run to Walmart so we didn't get home until after 10pm, and I still had to drop ecards.  Needless to say, I didn't get in the bed until almost 1:30am. 

Sunday it was up early (7am!) to head to Rock Hill for my niece's dedication ceremony at church.  I loved the service, and wish I lived closer to attend their church on a regular basis.  After sandwiches and cupcakes, we headed back to my mom's to swim and have supper.  We didn't get home last night until after 7, and I don't think Brandi feel asleep until after 9pm.  Then she got up at 4 because she had a nightmare, and didn't want to go back to sleep.  So, we got up and watched some Victorious (one of my favorite new kids shows!) until it was time to get ready for school.

I just knew that we would have an issue when the bus showed up, and I was right.  In fact, as soon as we walked out the door to head to the bus stop, she stared crying, saying she was too tired to go to school.  Being the caring mother I am, I told her to suck it up, because she was going, even if she was crying.  Needless to say, she was in tears getting on the bus, but she made it all day without crying at school.  She did, however, come home exhausted, so it's going to be an early night tonight.

That about sums it up for me.  I am pretty tired too, so it might be an early night for me, too.


Tammy said...

We are not in school yet but our weekends have been going by way to fast also. I guess time just goes by very fast when we are having fun.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ that must be it...but to be honest, I am looking forward to cold weekends when there is nothing to do but hang out at home with the family.

Forgetfulone said...

I'm really looking foward to some colder weather. Kasi is growing up so much, too!

jenn said...

Diana ~ I know! I am starting to believe that old saying...the older you get, the faster time goes by.