Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Gain Rocks!

Last week, I wrote a post about how much I love the smell of Gain.  You can find it here.

A couple of days after I wrote that post, the super awesome people at Gain emailed me and asked if I would be interested in sampling some of their products.  Of course I said yes!

Honestly, I was expecting a box of sample sized know, the little one use sample packs they give out in the grocery stores.  So imagine my surprise when I received a box this morning with all of this inside:
Awesome, right?  I got a box of dryer sheets (120), fabric softener (60 loads), laundry detergent (32 loads) and dishwashing liquid (11 oz).  All because I said I love the smell.

And just for the record, when I opened the box, the smell hit me right away, and my house is smelling so nice and fresh right now!  Thanks Gain!


Mom Knows Everything said...

I love the smell of Gain too, but after a few loads of it I get a headache from the smell. I can't use it often because with so many loads of laundry to do every day I would have a headache constantly.

Dawn said...

That is great !! Free is always good! :)

Stacie said...

That is awesome!! I love the smell of gain! It's what we use. I just bought the dish soap too as I just discovered it.

Kristin said...

What?! Lucky, Lucky you!! laundry detergent is expensive!

jenn said...

Tammy ~ That sucks. I do laundry every single day, and I am looking forward to the smell :)

jenn said...

Dawn ~ free is awesome! lol!

jenn said...

Stacie ~ this is the third bottle of dish soap I've gotten for free, and i am loving it. I got one at walmart before they came out, I won one on facebook, and then this one. It works great, too.

jenn said...

Kristin ~ I know, right? One little post let to free stuff...who would have!

Forgetfulone said...

Nice! I love the smell of Gain!

Miranda said...

Wow, thats cool.I had a site I used to email, and I got alot of free stuff from them.

Christy said...

Unfortunately, my husband is allergic to Gain. I should look into whether or not they have an allergy-free line.

jenn said...

Diana ~ me always smells so fresh!

jenn said...

Miranda ~ I visit a lot of freebie sites, but this is the first time I have had a company approach me because of something I wrote on here.

jenn said...

Christy ~ that stinks. When I was pregnant with my youngest, I was sensitive to EVERYTHING except ivory.