Thursday, September 30, 2010

I Know What To Get Ryan For Christmas

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of PlayStation(R) Move. All opinions are 100% mine.

I love playing video games.  We have a couple of different systems, but there is one that I have been wanting for a while, and I am thinking about getting it for Ryan for Christmas.  It's the PlayStation3.  We have a PS2, and from what I understand, all of the games we have for that system would work on the newer system, too.  Plus, they are coming out with the PlayStation(R)MOVE, and it sounds awesome.  It basically makes your PS3 able to play motion games using special controllers and some type of motion sensor video camera.  I was checking out the games they will have available, and there were a couple that I really want to try out.

The first one is the Brunswick Pro Bowling.  I used to love to bowl, but haven't been in a really long time.  I would love being able to play at home with the kids.  I'm sure it won't be the same as "real" bowling, but I bet it woul dbe just as fun.  I also want to try out one of the exercise games.  I saw one called Get Fit with Mel B that looked interesting.

I believe that Ryan would love getting up and moving while playing games, too.  Heck, even the girls would like it.  I know i would feel better about them playing games if I knew they were getting at least a little bit of exercise, too.  I really do like that the days of vegging on the couch with a controller in hand can be turned into something active and fun.

The MOVE bundle package will be available for $99 to go with the PS3 system.  I am going to have to buy both the system and the package, but I am sure Ryan will love it.

I know I will, too.

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Dawn said...

I would be broke if I had kids! That is why I am hoping to win the frecklebox giveaway !! :) Have you started shopping for Christmas?

Tara Beaulieu said...

We have a PS3 and yes, all your PS2 games will work on it. The PS3 will also play Blue Ray DVDs. Ours came with a copy of Spiderman 3 included. Austin just asked for the Move for his birthday this month and I'm just like you- wanting to get the Get Fit with Mel B game for it. I hate exercise and am hoping something that seems more like a game will encourage me to keep at it!

jenn said...

Dawn ~ I ordered a few things on Amazon last week...I had some codes from some reviews I have done...but I have so much more to get!

jenn said...

Tara ~ that's what I think too...make it fun and I'll do it...even if it is exercise! lol! We have a wii, and I want the wii fit, too.