Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Making Lunchtime Yummytime!

Brandi takes her lunch to school every single day.  Like her older brother and sister, she qualifies for free lunch, but she refuses to eat what the school provides.  She is afraid that she will not like what they are offering, and that she won't have any lunch.  So, every morning, I pack her lunch.

Sometimes, she takes a yogurt, but most of the time it is a peanut butter sandwich.  No jelly.  She says it makes the bread soggy.  And most days she brings home half the sandwich.  This has put me on a mission to find something good, and healthy, that she can take for lunch that she will actually eat.

Enter Smucker's Uncrustables. When I was asked to review these round little sandwiches, I knew my daughter would be thrilled, and I was right. These yummy little sandwiches have made her a very happy little girl.  They have made my mornings run a little smoother, too, because all I have to do is throw the frozen sandwich into her lunch box, and by lunchtime, it is thawed out and ready to eat.  There is no soggyness, and Brandi can enjoy peanut butter and jelly again.  The added bonus, of course, is that there is no crust.  The only bad thing is that my husband loves them, too, so I have to hide them from him.

I also want to tell you about the new Snack'n Waffles.  I tried the chocolate chip ones, and they were delicious.  They come individually wrapped, which keeps them from getting freezer burn, and also makes them easy to grab and go.  They can be thawed out and eaten at room temperature, or they can be heated in the microwave.  I heated mine, and had to microwave it a little longer than the instructions said.

I will definitely be buying these products myself in the future.

“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Smucker’s and received products necessary to facilitate my candid review. In addition, I received a gift certificate to thank me for taking the time to participate.”


Susan Cook said...

Good idea for lunches! My daughter doesn't always like the school lunch either. I didn't know they had new waffle ones. I'll have to look for them. Thanks for the info.

Tammy said...

We love uncrustables but the ones with grape jelly. Yummy

jenn said...

Sue ~ they are little mini waffles, and they are so good! I ate mine just like they were...no syrup...and they were delicious. They are a little pricey ($2.99 for a box of 4) but I will probably buy them again.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ I had to buy grape a few days ago because Food Lion doesn't carry the strawberry, and she will eat them, too. She just prefers the strawberry.