Friday, September 24, 2010

The Scariest Moment Of Her Life

We just got home.  About an hour ago, we almost got robbed at an ATM.  Thanks to my wonderful husband and a sledge hammer, we're all fine.  Let me explain.

We drive a van.  It is hard for Junior to do the transactions from the van, so I usually get out and do it.  Tonight, Junior pulled up really close, and I hopped out, leaving my door open.  I had my back to the van, and all of a sudden I hear Junior yelling and Brandi screaming at the top of her lungs.  I turn around and there is a big, black man leaning into the van through my door.  I hear Junior telling him to back off (he used more colorful language).  He told him three times, and the guy didn't move.  The next thing I know, Junior is getting out of his door with a sledge hammer in his hand.  At this point, the guy backs up a little, puts up his hands, and begs Junior not to hit him.  Junior is telling him to BACK OFF or he will hit him, and the guy just stood there with his hands up.  Junior was about a foot from the guy with the sledge hammer above his head before the guy finally backed off.  I was still standing at the ATM waiting for my cash, so I yelled to the car behind us to call 911.  I guess the guy heard me say that, because he finally ran off.

I got into the van while Junior was still between me and the guy.  Poor Brandi was hysterical.  She had gone as far back into the van as she could, and she was shaking.  I told her everything was okay, and that her daddy would never let anything happen to her.  We drove off (the car behind us never called 911...she was too busy watching Junior threaten to kill the guy) and tried to calm Brandi down.  Ryan and Kasi were fine.  In fact, as soon as the guy was out of the van, Ryan locked all the doors.  I asked Junior what the guy said when he leaned into the car, and he said he wanted our money.  How freakin scary is that?  I am seriously thanking God that he went to the car and didn't come to me.  I mean, I was standing at the ATM waiting on money.  He could have been behind me before I knew it.  Brandi said it was the scariest moment of her life.  I agree.

Okay.  I need to go cook or something.  I need my hands busy...


Dawn said...

I am glad you guys are okay !! But, how scary !! I would of FREAKED !!!! I am usually by myself when I go to the ATM !!!!

StaceyC4 said...

Oh, my God! How terrifying! I would have totally freaked out. I have nothing in my car that I could threaten someone with...I may have to look in to that. So glad you are all safe!!

Janiss said...

Holy crap is right! I avoid outdoor ATMs like the plague - fortunately my bank has ATMs at CVS's, so I use those instead.

jenn said...

Dawn ~ I am glad you called! It's so nice to know I have friends who care about us. (((hugs)))

jenn said...

Stacey ~ I usually complain about all the tools and crap that Junior keeps in the van...tonight, I was very thankful!

jenn said...

Janiss ~ I will avoid all ATm's from now on. The funny thing is, I usually do all my banking online and just use a debit card. But, my husband needed cash, so we went. Never again will I go to this particular bank.

Nona said...

How very scary! I'm glad no harm was done in the end. Too bad the other card didn't call 911 so the creep might have been caught.

jenn said...

I wish they had, too, but the guy was gone by the time we realized she hadn't. I am just really thankful that things didn't end up worse.

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

Oh gosh, I'm so glad your DH was able to fend him off!!!

Forgetfulone said...

Thank goodness you weren't alone! I'm so glad you and your family are okay. That's got to be the scariest thing, especially for the kids. I would be mad at the car behind you for not calling 911. You know they saw it happen! But, thank God, you're all okay.

Tara Beaulieu said...

Oh my gosh that's so scary! I can't even imagine what I'd do- I am often at the ATM with the little kids in the car and nothing to defend us, I need to think about that! Glad you all are okay and quick thinking on Junior's part to grab that sledge hammer and woohoo to Ryan for thinking to lock the doors. Good to know they don't panic in bad situations!

Unknown said...

Wow! That is so scary. I am glad everyone is ok. What a crazy world this has become.

jenn said...

Diana ~ I think that's why they didn't call...they couldn't take their eyes off of Junior going after this guy. My mom said we should have called the cops afterward anyway, just to have a report on file in case this guy does it again. She's probably right, but at the time, all we were thinking about was getting somewhere safe.

jenn said...

Tara ~ I am proud of Ryan for his quick thinking, and Junior for defending us. I don't drive, so I am never alone with the kids, but I don't even want to think about what would have happened if I was. Looking back, I think it was my open door that allowed this guy to be so bold. I will never do that again.

jenn said...

Storm ~ me too :)

jenn said...

Lydia ~ it is a scary world. I had a couple of comments on FB saying we should get a gun for the next time something like that happens. How sad it is that people are anticipating something like this happening again? I want to go back to the world we grew up in, where you could play in the street after dark, and not be afraid.

Mom Knows Everything said...

OMG that is unreal! I am so glad you guys are okay.

Tammy said...

OMG how very scary! Thank goodness you guys are okay. Don't go to that ATM anymore.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ crazy, right?

jenn said...

Tammy ~ we go there all the time, but we'd never gone at dusk. Trust me, we won't be going back at all. Brandi said she never wants to go to ANY atm every again. My poor baby. :(

Kristin said...

I still can't believe this! I will say it again - I am just so relieved that you are all ok.. !!!