Saturday, September 25, 2010

Painted Glasses

I get my craftiness from my mom.  Growing up in NY, she had a ceramic studio in our basement.  She made all kinds of decorations for our house.  I especially love her Christmas stuff.  There is this one piece in particular that is two mice singing (it plays music) that I plan on owning one day.  I may have to sneak it out of her house one Christmas, but it will be mine.
These days she paints more than just ceramics.  Knowing that my favorite color is purple, she painted a nice set of glassware for me with flowers and butterflies.  She also painted a candle, serving tray, candy jar and hurricane shade to match the glasses.  They are all displayed on my hutch for everyone to see. 

I am not a talented as her when it comes to painting.  If I follow a pattern, I do fine.  It's looking at a blank canvas that throws me.  I can't visualize a finished product, so it's hard to even start a project like that.  I think I'll just stick to painting in between the lines.


Dawn said...

Beautiful !!

Brenda said...

Your mom did a very nice job! They're very beautiful!

Miranda said...

Those are so pretty!

jenn said...

Thanks ladies. I think so too :)

Mom Knows Everything said...

Those are gorgeous! I have a glass like that and it's my favorite glass to use.

Tammy said...

Your mom is really talented. I know what you are talking about when you say a blank canvas is hard. I'm the same way. I can copy anything but I can't do things from my head.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ I don't use these. I just display them. Now, if I was a wine drinker, I would probably use them all the time :)

jenn said...

Tammy ~ exactly. I wish I was half as talented and creative as my mom.