Monday, September 27, 2010

What Should She Be When She Grows Up?

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of All opinions are 100% mine.

Ryan has known that he wants to be a mechanic when he grows up ever since he helped Junior change a set of brake pads several years ago.  It is all he talks about, and he is working towards making his dream a reality.  Kasi, however, continuously changes her mind about what she wants to be. At one time, she wanted to be a teacher, and then she wanted to be a beautician, and most recently, she wanted to be a fashion designer.  That dream, however, is fading, just like her other choices.  Luckily, I just heard about ATETV, and I plan on sitting down with her and checking out some of their videos.

ATETV stands for Advanced Technological Education Television, and it is "an award winning on-line video series with up to the minute information connecting students with education and employment opportunities".  These free videos were produced with a grant from the National Science Foundation to attract young people into the Science, Engineering, Math and Technology fields.  Kasi loves math, so I am hoping we can find something in that field to hold her interest.  They say that people working in this field will be in demand, because not enough students are being trained right now to work these jobs.  ATETV showcases pretty cool jobs, like underwater robotics and wind-farming, and then highlights the training options available to those wanting to work those jobs.  I know Kasi can do anything she puts her mind to.  I am hoping that we can come up with a plan soon to have her working towards whatever her dream job may be.

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