Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sleeping Beauty

I think most of you know that Brandi sleeps in my bed every night.  She has ever since she was about four months old.  Junior works early hours, and uses a bi-pap machine when he sleeps, so he sleeps on the couch. 

Anyway, the other night, I got up to the alarm at 2:15am like I always do to get Junior up for work.  When I went back to bed, Brandi wasn't there.  I turned on the light, and found her sitting on the floor, sound asleep. 

Of course, I had to take a picture!  Then I got her back into bed.


Tammy said...

Oh to be a kid and be able to sleep anywhere. So sweet! My hubby sleeps on the couch too. He claims he can't sleep in a bed. I think it's because of his breathing but he will not go get tested.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ you should make him get tested! If he has sleep apnea like Junior, he could die in his sleep. I NEVER let Junior sleep without his bi-pap. NEVER.