Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I have no motivation these days.  I have seriously run out of good excuses about why I am not exercising.  I used to say that I didn't have the money to join a gym, and while that is true, there are so many "at home" ways to exercise, that that excuse is pretty pitiful.  I mean, how hard is it to pop in a CD I love and just get moving?  I have several hours every day when I am home alone, which is the perfect time to exercise.  But do I?  No.

Maybe I just haven't found the right DVD yet.  I used to do an old VCR tape my mom had, but that one is seriously outdated.  I have been hearing good things about the Insanity Workout, which I think might be a little advanced for me right now.  It's a 60 day workout plan, and you don't need any special equipment, which makes it easy to use.  Now, I didn't say it was easy to do, because it is all cardio and plyometrics, which can seriously kick my butt.  The workout was designed by Shaun T.

The Insanity Workout uses "Max Interval Training", which means working out for long intervals (20 minutes) at high intensity, with brief resting periods.  Yeah, I'm pretty sure that in my current shape, this would kill me.  I really want to be able to work out like that, but not right now.  It's a nice goal to work up to, though. 

This workout comes with 10 DVD's and a nutrition guide.  I think that is the thing I like best, too.  Having the workout videos to do is great, but learning about nutrition is important, too.  You will also get access to the online beachbody community forum, which gives you all the support and encouragement you need to keep going.  You can also check out the Insanity Workout Reviews.  I'll let you know when I am finally in good enough shape for these videos.  For now, I'll keep doing my 20 year old VCR tapes.


Jennie @ Modern Mamaz said...

Excercise. The root of all evil. And killer abs, too. Why must you play mind games, excercise??

jenn said...

Jennie ~ lol!

Dawn said...

I have started writing down everything I put in my mouth everyday. When I see what I eat in black and white, I think twice when I stick it in my mouth!! Just an idea. I just started it.

I would be dead if I did those videos !! LOL

Let's get motivated together !! :)

Tammy said...

I really need to work out too. I have a couple of DVD's but I guess I have to do them for them to work. Uggggg

jenn said...

Dawn ~ I used to use fitday. It's a website where you can log all your food, and it tells you calories and fat and all that good stuff. It worked great when I used it...I guess I need to get back to it, too.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ yeah, that's kind of how they work. But, if you find a way for them to work without doing them, share with me. Please! lol!