Thursday, October 7, 2010

Moving Tips

Are you planning a move?  If so, you really should check out this blog I found, called Move Builder Blog.  It is full of tips on moving and packing, as well as storage issues and keeping moving expenses low.  I read a pretty interesting article about having a moving sale before you begin packing, so that you not only get rid of some of the things you don't want to take with you, you can also make a little money to cover moving expenses.  Trust me.  I have moved several times, and I always forget how expensive it can be.  I'm not talking about the actual moving part (which we all know can be expensive), but the meals you have to eat out because you haven't unpacked your kitchen yet and all the cleaning supplies you have to get so that you can clean the mess that the previous tenants left behind.  It's the little things that add up.

For more moving tips, check out the blog.

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