Monday, October 18, 2010

Beach Bound

 My friend is moving to the beach.  She found an apartment to rent close to Myrtle Beach, and she plans on moving in a couple of months.  I think she is making a mistake.  She is moving to an area that she knows nothing about.  I told her she needs to do a little research before signing a contract, but she won't listen.  She is determined to leave this area, so she is taking the first apartment she found. 

I think if I were to ever move to a location I know nothing about, I would do a lot of research.  I would go online and find out all the information I could about the area.  For instance, if I were looking for west palm beach real estate, I would Google West Palm Beach and read every article I could find.  Then I would visit the area myself. I would not commit to anything until I have seen with my own eyes how nice, or not so nice, the neighborhood is. I would let a professional agent help find the perfect place for me and my family.  I would never blindly move somewhere new.

My friend thinks differently.  She has never even been to this town she is moving to.  For all she knows, she may have committed to living in a run down, drug infested neighborhood.  She also sent the apartment manager a ton of personal information, without ever meeting her.  The whole situation gives me a bad feeling, but it's her life.  If she gets down there and regrets her decision, I will be the one saying, "I told you so.".

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