Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Can You Guess Which Kid Is Mine?

Ryan shot this video at Brandi's musical tonight.  It is only half of her performance, but it is adorable!  (Aw, man!  I just posted this and watched, and the video is so dark!  It doesn't look like this one my camera at all.  You can still kind of see it, but dang.  And I've added a picture, too)

I am sure most of you figured out that Brandi is the third from the left.  You know, the cutest girl on the stage. I might be just a little biased. :)


* Michael * said...

You are not biased. Brandi sure is the cutest! ;)

StaceyC4 said...

She is just way too cute!

jenn said...

Michael ~ so it's not just me who thinks that? Awesome! lol!

jenn said...

Stacey ~ I know, right? :)

Crystal said...

Lol, she is just too darn cute!

jenn said...

Crystal ~ yeah, I know ;p

Tammy said...

I picked her out right away because she is so cute! Looks like she was really enjoying herself. You have a star on your hands.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ it is her goal to be an actress...she asks me everyday if we can move to Hollywood...she is most definitely my little diva!