Sunday, October 3, 2010

Frecklebox Winner

Congrats to Tara Beaulieu!  You are the winner of any one item (up to $40) from!  I will send you an email...keep an eye out for it!

For those who didn't win this prize, I still have another giveaway going on for a flashlight keychain with laser...make sure you enter by Oct. 7.


Tara Beaulieu said...

Yay me! Thanks so much for this giveaway, Jenn! Aidan is going to be so excited to get his personalized book. I'll email you my info when I get home. (We're at the inlaws for dinner) Thanks again!

jenn said...

Tara ~ I am so glad you won this! I am sure the little man will love his new book.

Dawn said...

Yay for Tara !! :)

jenn said...

Dawn ~ I know you really wanted to win this one...I have two giveaway I'll be posting for a mop and one for kids socks. Maybe you'll win one of those.

Tammy said...

Congrats Tara!

jenn said...

Thanks Tammy! Have you checked out Tomoson? They have awesome things to review and giveaway...and you would qualify for the same things I do, I think. You should look into it.