Friday, October 22, 2010

I Look Awesome, Right?


Dawn said...

You look pretty spooky !! LOL You need to smile !! :) CHEESE !!!

redkathy said...

Love the purple!!!

Frugal Vicki said...

You are the coolest mom EVER!

Duni said...

Cool purple lips :)

Melissa said...

Yes, you do look awesome. The purple lipstick actually looks lovely on you.

jenn said...

Dawn ~ ask Crystal...that's the closest to a smile you will get from me! lol!

jenn said...

redkathy ~ me too! It's my favorite color, so when I saw the witches hat, I knew that had to be my costume.

jenn said...

Vicki ~ I know, right? ;p

jenn said...

Duni ~ you wouldn't believe how hard it was to find that lipstick...when I was a teenager in the 80's, purple lipstick was a must have.

jenn said...

Melissa ~ aw, thank you! I don't wear makeup on a daily basis, so it was nice to have some on...and I got tons of compliments, too.

Mrs Nobody said...

Love the purple lip stick! I don't wear makeup daily either. Maybe I will try something bold this Halloween.

Lidian said...

I love the purple lipstick too! I used to have lavender lipstick and purple sparkly nail polish in the 80s. And I tried to put purple glitter in my hair once but no one could see it in the dim party light - I had to keep dragging people out to a lighted hallway so they could see it ;)

Hope you have a great party!

jenn said...

Isheldon5 ~ this is the first time in a long time that I dressed up, and it was so much fun!

jenn said...

Lidian ~ I had silver glitter in my hair, on top of the black hairspray, and it wasn't that noticeable either. I was so happy when I was finally able to shower it all out last hair felt like straw all night long. It was so gross! I am happily blond again this morning, and don't think I'll ever use that colored hairspray again.

Unknown said...

Well Jenn - you have captured the season (you are certainly a number one mom for all seasons!) - and most of all you are a genuine good sport to show yourself dressed up for the season.

In England this coming week is half-term for our school children. It is also the season of mops ... (for those who are not familiar with English tradition mops are little portable fairs that travel from town to town, village to village and green to green. Their are greens - patches of land within cities and towns where these little fairs are housed traditionally more or less on the same date year upon year.) So as you can see October is a very busy month ... children are told that Father Christmas has sent out his Elves to make sure that everyone is on their best behaviour. Fairies place their magical toadstool fairy rings that children look for, stand inside turn around three times then close their eyes and make that all important wish. Added to this there is Halloween or Mischief Day.

You are truly wonderful as you have wrapped your arms around it all to celebrate it. I raise my glass to you Jenn as a lovely mother who shares everything with her children. I hope that you not only wear your smile on the outside but have one deep inside of contentment. Have a lovely Haloween. :)

jenn said...

Kloggers/Polly ~ Aw, you're so sweet. I am seriously just a big kid in an adults body. lol!

I love the tradition you talked about...the fairies leaving rings for kid to wish in. That is awesome!