Thursday, October 14, 2010

It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

Thanks for the post from Heriberto Sanders

My favorite children's Halloween Program would have to be “It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.” I remember watching this program as early as five years old, and I am 28 now. Growing up watching this with my parents always brings back fond memories of spice cake and candy, getting ready to go out trick-or-treating with my friends, and just smiles in general. I remember that we watched it on a satellite TV from, and that it was so great because all of the family was around. I still remember how my mother would round up all of us kids and sit down in front of the television with popcorn necklaces. It really was a great time in my life.

My favorite part of this program is when Linus waits for the Great Pumpkin, which is kind of like the Santa Claus of Halloween, and no matter how many times people told Linus that the Great Pumpkin was a myth and not real, he never gave up faith, and that taught me a life-long lesson at a very early age. It is a program that I can recommend without reserve because it is good fun without the violence that seems to permeate today's culture. Take it from me: Watch this classic with your children, and create your own very fond memories of Halloween.


Unknown said...

Back when I was still driving a truck, this fable gave me one of my most triumphant "smart-alecky" moments. It all started when I heard a Schneider National driver trying to recruit for his company over the C.B. radio, which they gave bonuses for back then (and probably still do). Anyway, Schneider company trucks are painted bright orange, and it is for this reason that they were referred to as being "pumpkin trucks." After I let him tell me all about how wonderful it was to drive for them, I told him that there was just one more thing I needed to know before I would meet him at a truck stop and fill out an application for him to turn in. When he asked what that was, I told him that I wanted to know if what I heard was true in regards to every Schneider driver who survived driving one of their trucks for a full year would be given the secret location to the great pumpkin patch. I'm telling you, there wasn't a peep coming over the radio for a good five minutes after I asked him that, and I do believe that I saw at least three other trucks almost go into the ditch. Then the radio exploded with laughter, and I never heard another word out of that Schneider driver. Of course, if he was a good sport, he would have told all of his buddies about it when he reached his home terminal.

Christy said...

The Great Pumpkin will always be a classic Halloween cartoon for the whole family. I love watching it every year around this time. No other family cartoon has ever matched up to it!

StaceyC4 said...

Peanuts cartoons were a tradition for me and my grandfather. He would call me whenever one was on to remind me to watch it. The Great Pumpkin is a classic and I watch it with my kids every year and actually, we find ourselves quoting it quite often!

jenn said...

FishHwak ~ that's awesome! :D

jenn said...

Christy ~ I don't think my kids have ever sen it...I might make it a point this year to sit with them and do just that.

jenn said...

Stacey ~ aw, what a wonderful memory.

jenn said...

Becky ~ sorry, but after not being able to find a blog to go with your comment, which I found kind of spammy, I deleted it. My apologies if you meant well.

Miranda said...

This is one of my fav movies too. I remember watching it when I was a lil girl. All these 'holiday' specials were always on late (cuz of our time zone), usually past my bed time. LOL...that was how my parents kept us in line. "Be good or you can't watch the show".

Becky said...

It's OK. I understand your deletion. I do not currently have a blog- am hoping to start one soon, but in the meantime am enjoying other people's blogs. I Can understand why you thought it was a little spammy, since the book was more of a Christmas book instead of a halloween one. However, I had just picked it up and was extremely excited about it.... thought I would share. Hope you don't mind me stopping by again in the future. Really enjoyed reading your post.

jenn said...

Miranda ~ my parents used to do the same thing! I find myself doing it to my youngest, too, but with Wizards and Victorious.

jenn said...

Becky ~ I am so glad you came back! I am being bombarded with spam sorry I thought that's what your comment was! Please, continue to come back and visit, and let me know when you have a blog up and running...I would love to stop by!