Thursday, October 14, 2010

Libman Mop Winner

Congrats Sue!  You are the winner of a brand new Libman Spray Mop.  (I sent you an email...keep an eye out for it)

Winning comment:
 tweeted (10/12)!/Suec/status/27150395474

Thanks to all who entered.  I have a couple of more reviews and giveaways I will be posting in the next week, so make sure you come back to check those out.


Jennie @ Modern Mamaz said...

Congrats Sue! You know, my kitchen is about due for a cleaning:) Ya know, in case you'd like to try out your new toy... I'm just saying.

Tammy said...

Congrats Sue!!!!!

Susan Cook said...

Thanks Jenn! Jennie & B Boys Mom.

Ha-ha Jennie - I have enough probs doing my own kitchen - lol

sending my mailing info. now.

jenn said...

Jennie ~ I think she'd have to do mine first, you know, cause I was the one who provided the mop....just saying! lol!

jenn said...

Tammy ~ :)

jenn said...

Sue ~ I passed it along, so hopefully you'll be mopping soon. I bet you just can't wait! lol!

Dawn said...

Congrats to Sue !! When she gets done with everyone else's floor, she is very welcomed to my home !! :)

jenn said...

Dawn ~ we're going to be keeping her busy! lol!