Friday, October 8, 2010

My Dream Bathroom

Have you ever seen those showers that have jets positioned at different heights so that you are getting sprayed from all over?   I can't even begin to imagine how awesome they must feel.  If we ever decide to remodel our bathroom, that's the kind of shower I want.  I was looking on and found that one in the picture, and I am seriously drooling over it.  It has six jets that shoot water from the sides as well as a hand held shower head that has several different spray modes.  I can just imagine how relaxed I would be after a shower in that.

I would also want a jacuzzi tub in my bathroom, that is not necessarily wide, just deep.  I want to be able to sit in it and have the water cover my shoulders. The way our bathroom is set up now, we could easily remove our garden tub and shower stall and put both of the new shower stall and jacuzzi tub in.  I wonder if our landlord would mind?

Of course, we would have a regular tub/shower combo in the other bathroom for the kids to use.  I mean, I wouldn't want to spoil them or anything.


Glenny said...

i loved the bit "of course we would have a regular shower in the other bathroom for the kids to use" ;)

Dawn said...

My aunt has one of those showers in her condo !! I would do almost anything to take a shower in it !! When we are rich and famous (LOL), I would love to have one !! :)

jenn said...

Glenny ~ lol! There's no way they would get the chance to destroy my new toys!

jenn said...

Dawn ~ They look awesome, don't they? I bet it feels so good to have the water sprayed on you from all those jets...

Tammy said...

A shower like this would be wonderful!

jenn said...

Tammy ~ I agree! I don't think i would ever come out...Junior would have to install one of those hot water heaters that heats the water on demand.